Immanuel's resident scholarship program shines with record-breaking support for recipients
August 7, 2024
In an inspiring display of community support and generosity, Immanuel’s resident scholarship program achieved a historic milestone in 2024. The program, which spans seven Immanuel communities, awarded a record-breaking $231,270 in scholarships to 60 student employees — the highest number of recipients in its history.
This year’s scholarship amounts ranged from $640 to $11,650, showcasing the program’s focus on significantly impacting students’ educational journeys.
The scholarships are fully funded by residents of various Immanuel communities, including Deerfield in Des Moines, Iowa; Grand Lodge, The Landing, and Yankee Hill Village in Lincoln; Immanuel Village and Lakeside in Omaha; and Trinity Village in Papillion, Nebraska.
The funding process is managed by resident committees, which oversee fundraising campaigns and allocate funds through the Immanuel Community Foundation. These campaigns often feature letter-writing efforts, student biographical displays, and other engaging events that foster a sense of connection and support between residents and student employees.
Emily Tonniges, Executive Director of the Immanuel Community Foundation, said the program is more than just financial support.
“The resident scholarship program is a meaningful way for residents to invest in the futures of the young people who serve and interact with them daily,” Emily said. “It embodies the spirit of community and mutual care that defines Immanuel.”
This year’s scholarship recipients represent a diverse group of dedicated student employees working in various roles — from staffing dining rooms to working as certified nursing assistants. Nineteen of the 2024 recipients are already in college.
One such recipient, Caitlyn Ballard, a CNA at Deerfield, expressed her gratitude to the residents who “care” about her future.
“(The scholarship) will allow me to pay for the entire last year of my schooling and ease some financial burden so I can focus on my nursing studies,” Caitlyn said.
Another recipient, Camden Hjermstad, a recent high school graduate who works as a student server at
The Landing, shared his heartfelt appreciation for not just the monetary gift but also the “message behind it.”
“The longer I am here, the more I realize this isn’t just a job. The residents of this community care for the staff, and they care for me, as can be seen through every shift, interaction, and with every meal,” Camden said.
2024 Student scholarship recipients include:
Deerfield: Nathan Agocs, Ryan Austin, Caitlyn Ballard, Max Barr, Pinky Edna Tarmeah, and Josetta White
Grand Lodge: Nina Campbell, Zoe Campbell, Amelia Hoffman, Jackson Johnson, Rio LaPointe, and Alexandra Meyer
Immanuel Village (no photo available): Shay Frost, Jennet David, Blessin Hawkins, Sam Edwards, and Kelly Cordova
Lakeside: Hannah Churchill, Izzy Dobson, Olivia Gurley, Frankie Parks, Jasmin Robaszkiewicz, Eric Schuetz, Aja Smith, Elise Whalen, and Logan Whitten
The Landing: Avery Ballenger, Martina Bascom, Arianna Dillingham, Graham Dobson, Josh Dozler, Cali Engel, Rey Garcia, McKenna Grass, Megan Haeffner, Gavin Harms, Camden Hjermstad, Kaiden Hoffer, Taylor Jones, Molly Kutilek, Makenna Morgan, Kale Muir, Emily Nelson, Cameron Sailors, Macie Sailors, Katherine Stratman, Delaney Vacek, Allie Vlieger, Peyton Wagner, and Anna Weston
Trinity Village (shown at top right of page): Avery Delwiche, Kimber Engel, Alyson Price, Elayne Price, Anna Simon, Joseph Westerdale, and Sage Williams
Yankee Hill Village: Garrett Englert, Olivia Erks, and Drew Ostermeyer